
import throughout the country:

  • procedure 4200 (fiscal representation)
  • procedure 4200 (with importer’s vat id)
  • procedure 4000
  • neutralization of the documents
  • reloading under customs supervision (service provided in Świecko and Gdańsk)

export in Poland and in Great Britain

  • container forming (service provided in Gdańsk)
  • container booking (service provided in Gdańsk)
  • T1 from UK
  • T2 from Poland, Germany

Customs consulting with our own legal advisers and specialists


Weighing the total weight of vehicles (service provided in Świecko and Gdańsk)


Warehouse and reloading (service provided in Świecko and Gdańsk)


Inspection with our own staff and equipment (service provided in Świecko and Gdańsk)

